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If you are working in Promotions, please fill out the form below to update your promotional location information.
Any questions, please contact the office.
Indicates required field
Date of Promotion
Timeframe (indicate AM or PM)
Time the event ended.
Promotion Location
Name of location.
What brand and product?
Other brands on site during promotion? - please list names
Was there a special on the featured product?
What was the Price and Brand you were promoting?
How many people were in attendance?
0 people - 10 people
11 people - 50 people
51 people - 100 people
101 people - 200 people
201 people - 300 people
300 people +
How many people did you engage with?
0 people - 10 people
11 people - 50 people
51 people - 100 people
101 people - 200 people
201 people - 300 people
300 people +
How many people were drinking the promotional item(s)?
0 people - 10 people
11 people - 50 people
51 people - 100 people
101 people - 200 people
201 people - 300 people
300 people +
Bottles Sold:
Negative Feedback from event? - Comments, concerns, suggestions, etc.
Positive Feedback from event? - Comments, concerns, suggestions, etc.
Submit pictures below. If more than 5 pictures, email the pictures to
[email protected]
Upload File (pictures from the event)
Max file size: 20MB
Upload File (picture from the event)
Max file size: 20MB
Upload File (picture from the event)
Max file size: 20MB
Upload File (picture from the event)
Max file size: 20MB
Upload File (picture from the event)
Max file size: 20MB
Depending on the number of pictures you upload, it may take a few extra seconds to process the form after you click 'submit'.
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